Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change. Brene Brown
My Memoir, Bare Naked in Public, is here!
In July of 2017 I moved to Italy to write a book. A year later I came home with the first draft of my memoir, certain it would be published in no time. “No time” turned into five years of edits, rewrites, a hundred queries and many kindly worded rejection letters. I began to doubt that my story would ever see the light of day.
Not knowing where to turn next, I reached out to someone whose opinion I respected, a friend in the business. I asked her to read my manuscript. I had to know . . .
Had I written something worth publishing, or had I dreamed too big a dream?
Within days of receiving my manuscript, she made me an offer, and I cried.
A year and a half later and Bare Naked in Public is finally here!
Teri Rider of Torch Flame Books, an imprint of Top Reads Publishing, was the perfect fit for me and my story.
Thank you Teri, for believing in me and my dream.
For as long as I can remember I’ve said, “One day I’m going to write a book.”
I had not considered a genre or even when this would happen. I only knew that I had something to say.
Here it is, my first book . . .
Sometimes you have to risk baring it all.
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